Nakshatra of Gujarat changing in Bhadarva due to Gujarat will get good rain. Entire Gujarat will get good rain from 7th September to 15 September.
Shraddha will start from the 21st of this month, done with faith is called Shraddha.
According to the famous astrologer Ashish Rawal, this month is considered for Shraddha with Pitru Tarpan.
Bhadarva Mass will start at 4.31 am on Tuesday the 7th. According to the famous astrologer Ashish Rawal, this month is considered for Shraddha with Pitru Tarpan.
Gemini marriage leads to Udit Kundli. Dgisvabhav is considered a zodiac sign. Therefore, it will be immature to make important decisions this month. Mars, Mercury will be the special domination of the planet as five Tuesdays and Wednesdays come in this month.
Mars is considered to be the basic causality for fire, accidents, disputes and quarrels. The basic function of Mercury is considered for trade, business, writing, banking insurance, so the above results are encouraging.
Due to Rahu’s wandering in the bar, there are more inauspicious occasions of fraud, lure advertising as well as cheating. Especially in e-transactions, every resident should be aware. Land-building property investments increase, but the expected deals do not happen.
What is done with faith is called shraddha
It cannot be considered auspicious for economic matters –
government officials can get promotions and increments in their jobs. Viral diseases have become more widespread. Rainfall is generally good. This time can be considered moderate for students.
Especially dealing with foreign transactions. People’s transactions in the stock market increase, but the expected income does not increase! So Teras will decay in Sud Paksha, and seeds will grow in Vad Paksha. While on the 20th, Bhadarvi will be Poonam.
Bhadarva Vad Ekam Shraddha will start on the 21st, Sarvapitru Amas on Wednesday, October 6, which is called Mahalya Samapat. Amas will be the father of all.
Shraddha Paksha is of great importance in Hindu culture
Shraddha Paksha is of great importance in Hindu culture
Shraddha Paksha will officially start with Bhadarvi Poonam on the 20th.
In Hinduism, Shraddha is performed for the sadgati of the saddapitru and is explained in the scriptures for attaining their blessings and attaining all kinds of well-being in the world and the ageing of the offspring.
Sanatan Dharma explains the tradition of worshipping gods and goddesses, Brahmins, Gurujans, cows, rivers, and Tulsi leaves etc. Early in the morning, Sandi Parvari is performed by pouring pure water in a brass Kalash, offering Arghya to the sun, mixing water with milk on the pipal tree, circumambulating in equal numbers and chanting the mantra “Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay”.
Feeding the green cow grass, feeding the dog milk, feeding the crows. The beggar should be given food as well as the Brahmin should be given kheer, milk or white sweets in the meal with puja, archan and other meals as well as blessings by giving Dakshina at the end of the meal.
Not all kinds of promising or auspicious deeds take place during such days. As well as not buying important precious gold silver, land building-property documentation is avoided.
Our predecessors have explained the great importance of reciting the 15th chapter of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Garuda Purana reading, recitation of Gajendra Moksha, recitation of Vishnu Sahastra Namavali for 16 days.
Shraddha dates and days-
20 September 2021 Bhadarva sud punam Fair of Ambaji
21 September 2021 Bhadarva Vad unit Shraddha of the unit
22 September 2021 Bhadarva Vad ૨ (seed) Shraddha of the seed
23 September 2021 Bhadarva vad beej Shraddha of the third
24 September 2021 Bhadarva Vad Trij Shraddha of the fourth
25 September 2021 Bhadarva Vad Choth Shraddha of the fifth
26 September 2021 Bhadarva Vad Pancham Shraddha of the sixth
28 September 2021 Bhadarva Vad Satam Shraddha of the seventh
29 September 2021 Bhadarva Vad Aatham Shraddha of the eighth
30 September 2021 Bhadarva vad nom Shraddha of Noam
1 October 2021 Bhadarva Vad Dasham Shraddha of the tenth
2 October 2021 Bhadarva vad agiyaras Shraddha of Agiyaras
3 October 2021 Bhadarva Vad Baras Shraddha of Baras
4 October 2021 Bhadarva vad teras Shraddha of Teras
5 October 2021 Bhadarva Vad Chaudash Shraddha of the one who died with a projectile
6 October 2021 Bhadarva vad amas Shraddha of Amavasya, Shraddha of Sarvapitru Pitru
This complete information has been given by Ashish Rawal, a well-known astrologer from Ahmedabad.