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Why are a million public-sector bank employees on strike for two days?

public-sector bank employees on strike


Why are a million public-sector bank employees on strike for two days?

Why are a million public-sector bank employees on strike for two days?

Banking operations at public sector banks through the country will be disrupt for two days, December 16-17. As their employees strike in protest of the Indian government’s plan to privatize these institutions.

Why are they opposed to privatization?

In response to the central government’s plan to privatize public sector banks, approximately a million PSU bank employees have begun a two-day strike until tomorrow.

The UFBU, an umbrella body of bank unions throughthe country, has called for the strike, claiming that not only will the move to privatize public sector banks harm employees and their families. But it will also harm rural citizens, for whom banking services will become more expensive.

Why are a million

The All India Bank Officers’ Confederation (AIBOC), All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA), National Confederation of Bank Employees (NCBE). Bank Employees Confederation of India (BEFI), All India Bank Officers’ Association (AIBOA), also Indian National Bank Employees Federation (INBEF). National Organisation of Bank Workers (NOBW), Indian National Bank Officers Congress (INBOC), also National Organisation of Bank Officers (NOBW) are UFBU member unions (NOBO).

“People have confidence in public-sector banks. Since independence, many private all banks have risen also fallen, but PSBs (public sector banks) have remained consistent,” Pawan Kumar. Senior vice president of the All India Bank Officers Confederation, told Gaon Connection today in Lucknow. Kumar was among the thousands of protesters who took part in today’s demonstration in the Uttar Pradesh capital.

“If the government doesn’t abandon its plan to privatize the banks. We will strike indefinitely and launch a mass movement to inform people about the government’s plans,” Pawan Kumar added.

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