To cul’vate extraordinary talent in the entertainment world, ar’sts must work on their unique talents to stand out from the crowd.
When it comes to the music and entertainment realms, it is impera8ve to no8ce how a few ar8sts, be it growing or established, have leC no effort untouched in puDng in their crea8ve visions to create art that could resonate and engage with audiences at large. “It is thus necessary for ar8sts in any field to first find their purpose because it all starts from there,” highlights Janya Govani, the rising ar8st who showcased her excellence in the theatre dramas like Aap Toh Aap Hai and Fabula8on and a self-wriNen one-woman show named Convenience, films like Rivem,
Whygotosearchfor…, and Connec8ons and wri8ng for stage plays like Subject and Convenience.
What sets extraordinary ar8sts apart? Of course, their unique ar8s8c talents, but most importantly, their urge to con8nuously learn something new each day, innova8on, and crea8vity. This helps them do jus8ce to the art they create, be it as singers, actors, dancers, playwrights, or mul8media theater ar8sts like Govani.
The Rajkot, Gujarat talent who is now based in the US and is known for her extensive work in theater thriving on her ability to blend her experiences in India and elsewhere into her art ar8s8cally believes in constantly pushing boundaries and mo8vates other up-and-comers to do the same.
‘I won’t say much to others, it is not my space, but I have found a way to accept that though the chances of failure are so high, there is an economy where crea8ng whatever comes up inside is appreciated by others, no maNer whoever they may be. That’s what my experience is and that is what I am figh8ng for. Just find whatever you need to’ she shares.
Her most recent project, a one-woman show called ‘Convenience’ garnered some rave in terms of her ar8s8c poten8al by some well known theatre cri8cs working in Los Angeles today. Tracy Paleo, Editor-in-Chief of Gia On The
Move and Awards Co-Chair of the Los Angeles Drama Cri8cs Circle (LADCC), and contributor to Broadway World Los Angeles wrote in her review for the show, ‘There is definitely a spark of genius in the idea of every part of her “becoming”.’ and ‘Govani has a giC for expanded thinking, and is a wonderfully enthusias8c performer who is also “becoming” as much as is her wri8ng.’
She concludes by saying that whether we want to look different or blend in, there is a lot of importance in the idea that whatever we do, whatever we talk about, we believe
in, and as a result learning, expressing, teaching, preaching will all be meaningful.
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