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Famous verified accounts on Twitter face the wrath of hacking over the Bitcoin scam.


Famous verified accounts on Twitter face the wrath of hacking over the Bitcoin scam.

Famous verified accounts on Twitter face the wrath of hacking over the Bitcoin scam.

US Presidential candidate Joe Bidden, Barack Obama, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos among the many verified accounts that were hacked for a Bitcoin scam.

On Wednesday night, hackers breached the secure servers of Twitter to hijack some of the top verified accounts to further their Bitcoin count. In a massive breach of security, internal systems of Twitter were hacked and verified famous users’ handles faced the wrath of these hackers. Popular Twitter users like reality TV star Kim Kardashian, US presidential candidate Joe Bidden, former US President Barack Obama, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, and billionaire Elon Musk. These handles were used to scam the general users by sending them Bitcoin & and get double Bitcoins in return.

Hacked Twitter accounts were unable to tweet during the time of investigation: 

The incident was carried out on a huge scale and the verified accounts lost the ability to post new tweets. This is considered to be the biggest hacks in recent times and has the users worried about the cybersecurity world. Twitter Support tweeted after a while, admitting that they were aware of the incident. The handle in the tweet said that measures were being taken to find out how did the lapse occur and also revealed that the hacked handles would not be able to tweet or reset their passwords.

Jack Dorsey felt terrible:

Twitter went into complete meltdown with sarcastic jokes and memes being made on the security failure. Top Trending hashtags were #Hacked, #Bitcoin, Blue checks, and Blue Tick. Twitter’s Chief Executive Jack Dorsey expressed his feelings somberly and tweeted that it was a tough day for Twitter and everyone in the company felt terrible. Dorsey stated that the incident is being diagnosed and pledged to share everything that will come to light due to the major hack-job.

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