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Know the mystery of the third eye of Lord Shiva on this MahaShivratri 2022.

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Know the mystery of the third eye of Lord Shiva on this MahaShivratri 2022.

Mahashivratri : date 2022.

Know the mystery of the third eye of Lord Shiva on this MahaShivratri 2022.

Everyone wants to know the date of Mahashivratri in 2022. This year Mahashivratri is on the 1st of March 2022. Indians worship Lord Shiva on the day of Mahashivaratri. Everyone may have heard about Shivaji’s third eye. Today in this article.

The festival of Mahashivaratri is celebrated on the fourteenth day of Vad Paksha in the month of Maha. This time the special day of adoration of Bholanath is on Tuesday, March 1, 2022.

 Lord Shiva is worshiped on the day of Mahashivaratri. There are many forms of Lord Shiva. Jata on the head, Nagraj in the throat, and Shivaji’s third eye. Everyone may have heard many stories about Shivaji’s third eye, yet it seems like a mystery. Today in this article, we will know the secret of the third eye of Lord Shiva …

The third eye of Lord Shiva is a symbol of divine vision.

It is believed that the third eye of Lord Shiva is his religious vision. Nothing can be hidden from this heavenly sight. Bholanath’s third eye is like the eye of knowledge, which gives him the realization of self-realization.

 With this third eye, they keep an eye on the movements of the three worlds. Shivaji’s third eye is considered a helper for him to go into the depths of everything. The third eye of Lord Shiva is also the center of his power. This makes their image very impressive. There is also a belief that as soon as the third eye of Lord Shiva is opened, the whole creation will be consumed.

Know the mystery of the third eye of Lord Shiva on this MahaShivratri 2022.

The third eye of Lord Shiva and the story connected with it

Many stories have been narrated about the third eye of Lord Shiva. According to a report, while Lord Shiva was meditating, Mother Parvati covered his eyes with her palms, which caused darkness in the world.

 It is to be mentioned that at that time, Mahadevji ignited so much light with his third eye that the whole earth started revolting. Then mother Parvati immediately removed her palm, and everything became normal. From this story, it is known that one eye of Lord Shiva is like the sun, and the other eye is like the moon.


story According to another level, once Daksha Prajapati organized a grand havan, and in that havan, Lord Shiva was greatly insulted. 

Mother Sati could not bear it, and she set herself on fire. Due to this incident, Bholanath was so broken that he practiced severe penance for many years.

 It is to be mentioned that mother Sati was reborn as the daughter of the Himalayas with time. But Lord Shiva was so engrossed in his meditation that he did not realize anything. All the deities wanted mother Parvati to be reunited with Shivaji soon.

All the efforts of the gods and goddesses failed. Then finally, Lord Cupid was called for help. Cupid tried in various ways to distract Lord Shiva, but he failed. Cupid then shot a flower arrow from behind a mango tree, which went straight to Shivaji’s heart and distracted him.

 Mahakala became so angry at the distraction that he consumed Cupid with his third eye. Now the gods were satisfied that Bholanath’s meditation was complete.

 But there was also the sad fact that Cupid had to sacrifice his life. When Kamadeva’s wife prayed to Shivaji to resurrect her husband, Shivaji said that Kamadeva would be born as the son of Lord Krishna in Dwapar Yuga.

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