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Five easy ways to reduce swelling fast

reduce swelling fast


Five easy ways to reduce swelling fast

Five easy ways to reduce swelling fast

Bloating in the stomach is caused by many different causes: constipation, excessive gas, food intolerances, ingestion of too much air when eating, celiac disease, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Five easy ways
  1. Walk after eating: This is the best exercise to release the trapped air inside. Walk briskly and try to press your stomach in and out three times every ten steps. The movement of the abdomen gives trapped gas room to open its way.
  2. Hasta Padangusthasana: It can release trapped intestinal gas. Lie on your back. Raise both hands as you inhale. You exhale, raise your arms and lift your legs perpendicular to the floor. Hold your breath also stay there for 6 seconds. Then inhale slowly for 3 seconds, lower your legs and relax. If you have a weak back, lift one leg at a time. Repeat this asana 6-7 times.
  3. Water with Lemon and Ginger: Increases alkaline pH and reduces acidity and gas formation. It also stimulates healthy digestion and rapid waste disposal.
  4. CCF Tea: Using a mortar also pestle, crush coriander seeds, cumin seeds (jeera), and fennel (saunf) in equal quantities. Add a few grains of black pepper. Make a coarse powder. Add a teaspoon to the water and bring the mixture to a boil, simmering for 6-8 minutes. Drink this after a meal when you feel bloated. You can store this powder in a glass jar for months.
  5. Relax: The mind plays a direct role in indigestion. When you are angry, scared, or not paying attention to what you are doing, your muscles will spasm, which causes a buildup of gas. It would be best if you relaxed mentally. Pay more attention to your feelings so your mind can focus on one thing.

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