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Burqas, Niqabs, or face-veils banned in schools by a German state.


Burqas, Niqabs, or face-veils banned in schools by a German state.

Burqas, Niqabs, or face-veils banned in schools by a German state.

The western German state of Baden-Wurttemberg banned full-face veils and burqas in school. The German state says these do not belong in a free society. 

On Tuesday, the western state of GermanyBaden-Wurttemberg, banned full-face coverings, commonly called burqas or niqabs, in schools. The German state said that the full-face Islamic covering does not belong to a free society. Deutsche Welle reported that this new regulation comes at a time when the topic of Muslim face coverings is being hotly debated in Germany. The regulation in the German state follows a court ruling in Hamburg and ironically, the same court interfered and reversed Hamburg’s decision of banning the burqa.

The burqa does not belong to a free society says State Premier:

Admitting the instances of children wearing a burqa in school are rare, State Premier and prominent politician Winfried Kretschmann, stated the need to eradicate such rare instances. Kretschmann said for a free society it was necessary to procure a legal ruling to ban the full-face coverings in school. Kretschmann rubbished the idea of wearing full-face veiling measures and how it did not have a place in the new free society. He also said that burqa-ban at the university-level, was a more complex question, as the students are self-thinking adults. The legal ruling in Baden-Wurttemberg will only e applicable to primary and secondary education, for now.

Wearing a burqa infringes girls’ freedom rights say the Conservatives:

The pro-burqa ban brigade says that forcing girls to wear full-face veils infringes on their freedom rights. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) with prominent members of conservative parties have called for a nationwide full-face veil ban. At present, including Germany, many European countries like The Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, and France have banned the full-face veils.

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