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First coronavirus death in dogs reported in the US.


First coronavirus death in dogs reported in the US.

First coronavirus death in dogs reported in the US.

A seven-year-old dog, named Buddy had got infected with the COVID-19 virus when his owner was recovering from it. This is the first death in dogs due to the deadly virus.

The National Geographic magazine has reported the first dog-death in the United States due to the novel COVID-19 virus. The first ever dog to have tested positive for the coronavirus has succumbed to his demise, after struggling with symptoms that may be familiar to many of the virus’s human sufferers. 

Seven-year-old dog dies due to Coronavirus:

As per the magazine, this week, a seven-year-old dog named “Buddy”, a German shepherd, fell ill, around the same time his owner Robert Mahoney was recovering from coronavirus. At the time, Buddy suffered a stuffed nose along with breathing difficulties, and his condition worsened over the next few weeks and months. The New York-based couple, Mahoney and his wife Allison had to euthanize Buddy in July after the dog vegan urinating blood, vomiting blood, and was not able to walk.

Antibodies were found in Buddy:

The couple told the magazine that they had a hard time confirming their suspicion that Buddy had the coronavirus. Mahoney said that many vets in their area were closed because of the pandemic and he was sure about Buddy’s infection. After a lot of struggle, one clinic finally confirmed that the 1 German-Shepherd had coronavirus antibodies. 

The vet who tested Buddy says the dog had lymphoma and that might have made him more susceptible to the coronavirus:

The vet who tested Buddy told the magazine that the clinic has had zero knowledge or experience with the scientific basis of coronavirus in dogs. He felt it was rare and also revealed that Buddy had lymphoma. 

As per National Geographic, to date, twelve dogs and ten cats have tested positive for the novel COVID-10 virus in the US.

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