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What is the relationship between exercise and sexual health?

exercise and sexual health


What is the relationship between exercise and sexual health?

What is the relationship between exercise and sexual health?

What is the relationship According to Dr. Sheetal Rane, Head of Department, Physiotherapy, Bhatia Hospital. Mumbai, aids in the release of endorphins, also known as “good hormones,” in the body.

Exercise is well known to be beneficial to one’s overall health. According to a new study, this includes sexual health as well. Men with a larger waist circumference or a higher BMI have a 50% increased risk of erectile dysfunction.

Another study published in the same journal in 2021 found that women. Who exercised six hours per week had lower sexual distress. And resistance in their clitoral arteries than those who did not.

Regarding to the National Institutes of Health, 43 percent of women and 31 percent of men have some form of sexual dysfunction due to obesity and lack of exercise.

According to a review of the available literature by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, there is ample proof of the beneficial effects of physical exercise on hormones such as oxytocin, cortisol, or estrogen [39], which appear to affect sexual function and arousal in particular. Similarly, exercise activates the sympathetic nervous system, which is involve in both sexual arousal and orgasm. In addition, traditional forms of exercise, such as physical resistance training. And aerobic physical training, has been shown to enhance sexual function in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

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