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Russia-Ukraine War: 4,000 Russian soldiers have been killed in the war

4,000 Russian soldiers have been killed


Russia-Ukraine War: 4,000 Russian soldiers have been killed in the war

Russia-Ukraine War: 4,000 Russian soldiers have been killed in the war

Russia-Ukraine: On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said his government was proceeding “with moderation and responsibility” in a conflict that put its ties to Kyiv and Moscow to the test.

Russia-Ukraine: Ukraine has rejected the Russian government’s offer of peace talks. Amid heavy fighting that has reached major Ukrainian cities. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has urged the international community to deprive Russia of its veto power in the United Nations Security Council. The Ukrainian President’s office stated that Russia was attempting to impose an ‘unacceptable ultimatum’ on Kyiv by rejecting the offer of peace talks. Moscow had proposed holding the talks in Belarus.

According to Kyiv, Moscow is attempting to impose terms that will never be acceptable to Ukraine. Giving the guise to the rest of the world that Russia has a bigger heart also is willing to hold talks.

Putin ‘lauded’ Russian troops in a televised address, saying they are valiantly fulfilling their duties to the motherland. However, while Putin may not face significant opposition at home, the international stage quickly becomes a lonely place for him. On Sunday, the International Judo Federation suspended the Russian President as honorary President also ambassador. In other news, as many as also 11 countries have closed their airspace to Russia.


The spiritual leader of the Christian Orthodox Church has called for the end of the Ukraine war.

On Sunday, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual leader of approximately 300 million Orthodox Christians worldwide. Also based in Istanbul, yelled for an end to the conflict in Ukraine. “We make another call to end the war now. To immediately put an ending to any act of violence, anything that causes pain and death.”

In a statement, Bartholomew said. In his view, Bartholomew also condemned the war also expressed solidarity and support for the Ukrainian church. Awarded independence from Moscow, also the “seriously suffering” Ukrainian people. In 2019, Bartholomew granted the Orthodox Church of Ukraine autocephaly. Granting it freedom in a historic split vehemently opposed by Russia.

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