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Met a pregnant Man from Nagpur Maharashtra

Met a pregnant Man from Nagpur Maharashtra


Met a pregnant Man from Nagpur Maharashtra

Met a pregnant Man from Nagpur Maharashtra

A guy from Nagpur, Maharashtra, was known as the “pregnant man” because of his bulging tummy. The case turned out to be a rare case in which he had been pregnant with his twin for over 36 years.

As Daily Star, Sanju Bhagat has a medical issue known as “fetus in fetu,” also known as “vanishing twin syndrome.” When one twin dies during pregnancy and is reabsorbed, this syndrome arises. 

It is a highly unusual syndrome in which one twin is born inside the other, estimated to occur in only one in every 500,000 live births.

The development of the disease:

When Bhagat was small, his belly appeared unnaturally bulged compared to other children, which was disregarded. However, while working on the farm in his twenties, his stomach developed alarmingly. 

Despite struggling to make ends meet, Bhagat continued to work and experienced mocking from his peers and concerns from his family.

The issue worsened in 1999 when the bulge began pressing against his diaphragm, making it harder for him to breathe. He was finally transported to a hospital in Mumbai.

Here’s what the doctor says about the Pregnant Man:

The doctor who examined Bhagat assumed the issue was a tumour and proceeded to undergo stomach surgery, assuming it to be huge cancer. 

However, the doctor discovered an unexpected discovery during the operation: a human person was within.

“He just inserted his hand and mentioned numerous bones inside,” a doctor said, as described by History Defined and reported by the newspaper.

“First, one limb came out, then another.” Then there are portions of the genitalia, hair, limbs, jaws, and hair. We were terrified. We were perplexed and amazed… To my amazement and fear, I could shake hands with someone inside. “It was quite shocking for me,” the doctor added.

Here’s the explanation of the disease:

“Fetus in fetu” is a rare medical disorder in which a malformed foetus is discovered inside the body of its twin, according to the National Library of Medicine. 

During their early growth, one twin engulfs and absorbs the other twin. The absorbed twin then grows inside the body of the surviving twin as an odd lump or tumour-like form. This disease is usually treated with surgical removal.

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