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Shiv Sena accuses Modi cabinet of Covid-19 mismanagement.


Shiv Sena accuses Modi cabinet of Covid-19 mismanagement.

Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut, Covid-19, RamMandir Yagna.

Shiv Sena accuses Modi cabinet of Covid-19 mismanagement.

Key Points: 

  • Shiv Sena accuses the Modi government. 
  •  Covid-19 mismanagement.

Shiv Sena pioneer Sanjay Raut has charged the BJP-drove Central and Uttar Pradesh legislatures of fumbling the Covid-19 emergency while referring to examples of conduct empowering ‘strange notion’ rather than a logical way to deal with manage the pandemic. 

Sena MP Sanjay Raut claimed in his week by week segment Rokthok, in party mouthpiece Saamana, that while residents couldn’t give respectable incineration to their darlings, discarding the bodies in Ganga waterway, the decision party enjoyed strict mottos and strange notion. 

“In Varanasi, the dead bodies have accumulated, and there is no spot to incinerate them. We are seeing many bodies skimming in the waterway which were found in Bihar. In Ayodhya, the Prime Minister led the Bhoomi Pujan for the Ram Mandir a couple of months prior, yet now Covid-19 has caused enormous ruin there.

 There is a deficiency of oxygen, meds, medical clinics and immunizations, and all that the state government in Uttar Pradesh is doing is sloganeering ‘Jai Shri Ram. This may give oxygen to an ideological group, however not for the bothered individuals,” said Raut. 

Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut, Covid-19, RamMandir Yagna.

Many assemblages of suspected Covid-19 casualties have been discovered, generally gliding in-stream Ganga in recent days in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. The Bihar government has asserted that the bodies were conveyed downstream from Uttar Pradesh. 

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has given a notification to the two states, and the Supreme Court has been mentioned to arrange a test into the matter. 

“A state serve is requesting that residents perform Yagna so Covid-19 can be annihilated, which is stunning. Some are pushing applying cow fertilizer while others are burning-through cow pee to battle Covid-19. What more can happen when our PM is supporting battling the Covid-19 infection by applauding and banging the utensils,” Raut said. 

BJP pioneer and Madhya Pradesh culture serve Usha Thakur was in the news as of late for proposing the Hindu custom could help forestall the third influx of Covid-19.

 A few groups were seen covering themselves with cow waste and pee in Ahmedabad in the conviction that it could support resistance against Covid-19. 

Raut said the Modi government was more focused on giving security to their recently chose officials in West Bengal than containing the infection. 

“…It was the obligation of the state government, and Mamata Banerjee ought to have been given the opportunity; however, this was not done. The entire intention was to hold their MLAs under wraps through this component with the goal that they don’t desert back to Mamata,” Raut said. 

According to the most recent information delivered on Saturday, Karnataka has announced the most noteworthy, day-by-day new cases at 41,664, followed by Maharashtra with 34,848 cases and Tamil Nadu 33,658 new cases.

 Uttar Pradesh detailed 12,547 new Covid-19 cases taking the all-out case tally to over 1.6 million, while Maharashtra’s Covid tally remains at 5,344,063 over 5.3 million.

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