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From Amazon to Google: Insights from a Tech Engineer’s Journey

Sahil Gaba, an Amazon developer, discusses his story of ultimately getting a position at Google after two failed efforts.


From Amazon to Google: Insights from a Tech Engineer’s Journey

From Amazon to Google: Insights from a Tech Engineer’s Journey

Sahil Gaba, an engineer at Amazon, shares his experience of finally securing a job at Google after two unsuccessful attempts. Despite facing numerous rejections and setbacks, Gaba’s persistence and resilience eventually led to success.

Gaba candidly acknowledges the challenges he encountered, including facing hundreds of rejections and unsuccessful attempts at Google interviews in the past. 

Despite setbacks, he emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and not allowing failures to deter one’s determination.

Approaching Interviews with Confidence in Google:

Having faced multiple rejections, Gaba adopted a mindset of detachment from the outcome of interviews, finding liberation in focusing solely on the process rather than fixating on the result. 

This shift in perspective helped alleviate the pressure associated with interviews and allowed him to perform at his best.

Tips for Tech Interview Preparation for Google:

Drawing from his experience, Gaba offers valuable insights for aspiring tech professionals aiming to crack interviews at top tech companies. 

He emphasizes the significance of honing problem-solving skills and coding proficiency, highlighting the importance of mastering both aspects during coding rounds.

Leveraging Experience and Skills:

Gaba underscores the importance of adaptability, citing his decision to switch programming languages from Java to Python during interviews as a strategic move that enhanced his coding efficiency. 

Additionally, he emphasizes the advantage of interviewing while already employed, as it alleviated some of the pressure and allowed for a more composed approach.

Maximizing Opportunities through Coordination:

Gaba shares his tactic of strategically scheduling interviews with multiple tech giants in close proximity, aiming to receive multiple job offers simultaneously. 

This approach provided him with leverage during salary negotiations and increased his chances of securing favorable employment terms.

Leveraging Referrals and Direct Applications:

Highlighting the importance of networking, Gaba emphasizes the value of referrals in applying for tech jobs. 

While initially relying heavily on referrals, he eventually expanded his job search to include direct applications, recognizing the role of recruiters in the hiring process and proactively seeking opportunities to engage with them.

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